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Elite Team Trainings

Elite Team Trainings are divided into a two-phase program. During each athlete's 8 weeks of team training, athletes will undergo an extensive injury prevention program where we focus on their full bodys’ balance/stability and transversus abdominis. In the 2024 club season (in the athletes who actively participated in our Power and Agility Team Trainings) moderate-severe volleyball injuries took place in under 1% of our athletes. We take pride in the fact that our main focus throughout the entirety of our season’s training revolves around injury prevention. Even as we incorporate volleyball strength/conditioning into our team training programming our main focus still heavily relies on the incorporation of our injury prevention programming. Due to the athletes Power and Agility Team Trainings being 30 minutes long we want to make the most of our time with each and every single athlete and we know that 30 minutes is the ideal amount of time it takes to provide corrective exercise and overall injury prevention training, and can make the most impact to each one of our athletes.


National Team Trainings

National Team Trainings are divided into a two-phase program. During each athlete's 12 weeks of team training, athletes will undergo an extensive 4 week injury prevention program in the month of December, where we focus on their full bodys’ balance/stability and transversus abdominis. In the 2024 club season (in the athletes who actively participated in our Power and Agility Team Trainings) moderate-severe volleyball injuries took place in under 1% of our athletes. We take pride in the fact that our main focus throughout the entirety of our season’s training is injury prevention. Due to the athletes Power and Agility Team Trainings being 30 minutes long we want to make the most of our time with each and every single athlete and we know that 30 minutes is the ideal amount of time it takes to provide corrective exercise and overall injury prevention training, and can make the most impact to each one of our athletes. After the 4 week injury prevention program, later in the season, athletes will undergo a two month powercore progressive training program. We officially incorporated team Powercore training in our 2024 club season with our 15+ National Teams. Over the first 3-6 weeks we slowly progressed our programming. Typically starting with Hip and Spine mobility, then into shoulder separation, jump training, and into our arm trainer and finishing off with our total Power Trainer. At the intermittently and at the end of the program we take the athletes on the court with a high volume of our trained power trainers and athletes will undergo hitting lines and trainers will playback personalized video to each athlete where we playback slow motion of each athletes movements in order to critique each athletes power movements on the court. Even though we cannot quantify a subjective observation, we heard daily comments from parents, coaches and Mtn Peak Leadership on the impressive increase in power due to our Power and Agility Powercore Team Trainings.


**If you are interested in Private Powercore Trainings. We have objective, visual, evidence in the improvements in athletes that have participated in our Private Powercore training. These are extremely personalized and we have only heard positive feedback regarding these sessions. These sessions are for the athletes that want to take their game to the next level and if you pair these sessions with our private training, we have seen outstanding results. We have a 14 year old that has trained with us who has colleges interested in her now and is touching above 10 feet. We have athletes that have moved from elite teams to national level teams. This combination of training has the potential to take your level of play to the highest level of play.


Small Group Training

Small Group / Private Trainings are 45-60 minute training sessions designed for the volleyball athlete. In the initial training sessions trainers provide a goal assessment with each athlete in order to provide proper programming to each athlete's goals. Athletes come to our Small Group / Private Trainings to increase their Vertical, overall quickness, reaction times under pressure, endurance, balance and stability, arm care, strength and overall wellness. During these training sessions athletes will be pushed past their comfort level and will undergo strength, agility and mental toughness training. These training sessions are for the athletes that want to be an elite athlete. Not sure which program is best to join? Our Small Group or the Private Trainings? Small Group Trainings are 45 minutes and are for the athletes that thrive in a competitive environment that like to train with a small group of athletes. These trainings have a competitive edge that can make the training enjoyable. In these training’s athletes will undergo a goal assessment during the first training and the programming is centered around the collective goals and positions. These athletes will be pushed past their comfort levels and they will improve mentally and athletically. Private Trainings are 60 minutes and are for the athletes that thrive in a one on one environment. In these training’s athletes will undergo a goal assessment during the first training and the programming is centered around their singular goals. We have seen vast improvements within these athletes in all areas of physical goals. These athletes will be pushed past their comfort levels and they will improve mentally and athletically.

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Hey! Taylor here, director/programmer/head trainer of Power and Agility! I get emails, calls and texts weekly from parents asking what I would recommend for their son or daughter. With our standard new athlete, in season, I ALWAYS recommend our small group training first and foremost. Our small group training is more cost effective and can give you an excellent outcome, I typically will not recommend private training, in season, unless the athlete has done 1 month of two days a week of our small group training. If an athlete has very specific goals, needs a lot of increased attention and/or trains better in a one-on-one environment then I recommend private trainings. To be very clear, athletes WILL have the greatest outcomes in private trainings, however the commitment level is higher, which can be difficult for an athlete to commit to during the season. Now out of season that is when I obviously recommend our summer training program however for the more effective results I recommend a private training program (1-2 day a week) paired with our summer programs. If you were to sign up for that you would have a programmed experience 3-4 days a week where you will see significant results. So when people ask what I would do with my own daughters, this is my answer.


Alisha's Recommendation:

I have loved teaching small group lessons and private lessons. While small groups are great at getting a more advanced workout, create friendly competition, a sense of camaraderie and are more cost effective, I have personally seen significant growth in those who stick to a regular schedule of private lessons. With private lessons, I’m able to personalize the workout to the athletes specific needs. I’m able to assess an athlete's movements more closely to see where their imbalances are and correct those movements to higher their chances of injury prevention. Whether it be powercore, injury prevention, strength, vertical training, or reactive training, I can create a workout the athletes need and will enjoy. There is also more flexibility with scheduling. Small groups are usually offered a few times a week at a specific time. I can schedule private lessons when it's most convenient for you!






Vertical Training and Volleyball Conditioning: 

  • June 3-27: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 5:00-5:50pm

  • July 1-August 1*: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 5-5:50 pm & 6:00-6:50 pm (2 session options)

*No training on July 4



  • 1X/ Week: $50

  • 2X/ Week: $95

  • 3X/ Week: $125

  • Drop-in: $15


The most efficient quantity of days to be in the weight room as a competitive athlete during the summer season would be 4-5 days a week. We offer programming to athletes at an additional cost for off days. We also offer private lessons at $40 an athlete, as well as monthly package options. Reach out for more information or to discuss what would be the best fit for your athlete.


In this program, each athlete will go through landing stabilization training. Our knees, feet and ankles go through an increased amount of pressure due to the impact on landing and directional change.  Athletes will undergo strength training. In the strength training phase, each athlete will be taught how to produce power from a stagnant phase and how to produce power already in motion. Strength training helps; injury prevention, physical development, recovering more effectively, improves power generation, increases bone density and so much more. We also train fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. Fast-twitch fibers are specifically attributed to our ability to produce power, whereas slow twitch fibers attribute to our ability to not become fatigued during performance.


In the last three years of program development, we have been able to pinpoint which exercises create the highest desired results. Of the 1000+ athletes that have participated in our small group vertical training programs, the average increase in one month is 1.81inches. Vertical increases ranging from 1-4 inches in a one month span. The athletes who have wanted to increase speed and agility, in one month, have more than doubled our platework speed; meaning they are responding faster.


Decision Response Training: This training allows the athlete to make quick decisions while in movement. This has been one of our most sought after add-ons. Athletes undergo reaction based training while solving mental puzzles. This is for the athlete that struggles to make quick decisions while on that court.





Powercore is designed to create more rotational power, resulting in increased arm & shoulder strength and arm & ball speed. It teaches that power comes from the ENTIRE body. Powercore heavily focuses on reducing the risk of injury by teaching correct arm mechanics and trains the hips, spine and shoulders to move freely and correctly. Those who go through the powercore training program can improve velocity by 19-27%, increase total body strength, learn hip and shoulder separation to create “reverse power C” motion, better mobility in hips, shoulders and spine, improved hitting mechanics and decrease their risk of injury. During powercore sessions, the athlete will be videoed and shown slow motion replays to break down every movement they make. This allows the trainer and the athlete to visualize what can be missed when watching at normal speed and to correct any mechanical issues. Athletes that go through Powercore training will create muscle memory to consistently use their body correctly, resulting in remarkable improvements in power and speed.


President's Day

Make the most of your holiday weekend! Power and Agility has 3 clinic options Monday, Feb 17th, that we are offering. These clinics have always sold out and been a huge success. This year we are opening more slots.


Upcoming Clinics

On Presidents Day (February 17th):  Power and Agility will be hosting a few training sessions

  • 7:00am-8:00am: Agility and Explosive Speed ($15)- In this session, we will be training the athletes on quickness and directional speed.

  • 8:00am-9:00am: Recovery and Arm Care ($15)- In this session, we will be going through recovery, (offering recovery), we will be using arm bands, massage guns and more, along with some recovery yoga movements.

  • 9:00am-10:00am: VERT and Landing Mechanics ($15)- In this session, we will be working on the athletes vertical movements, training the athletes fast twitch muscle fibers and focusing on their landing mechanics.


Upcoming Clinics

Come get ready for club season! This is a 7 session class where we progressively work on the power output within our athletes vertical mechanics. This intermediate/advanced level class is for anyone and everyone wanting to work hard and improve their vertical before club season starts. This will be a hybrid training between our Small group Trainings and our Specialized Vertical Training Program. Last year our results in this clinic were INSANE!! We had 48 athletes participate in this program last year and the average vertical increase was 2.1 inches over. Our vertical programming has been developed along side many trainers, a PTA, research, learning and over 200 athletes going through our specialized vertical training programs in the last two years.


November Vertical Training Class: $75 (ages 11+) (7 sessions)

October 28th-November 19th


Monday / Wednesday

  • Option 1: Afternoon Class Monday and Wednesday: 4:30-5:30pm

  • Option 2: Afternoon Class Monday and Wednesday: 5:30-6:30pm


Tuesday / Thursday

  • Option 1: Afternoon Class Tuesday and Thursday: 4:30-5:30pm

  • Option 2: Afternoon Class Tuesday and Thursday: 5:30-6:30pm


Come get ready for club season! This is a 6 session class where we progressively work on the power output within our athletes vertical mechanics. This intermediate/advanced level class is for anyone and everyone wanting to work hard and improve their vertical before club season starts. This will be a hybrid training between our Small group Trainings and our Specialized Vertical Training Program.


Landing / Power Stability Class: $50 (7 sessions)

Option 1: Monday and Wednesday from 6:30-7pm

Option 2: Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-7pm


Our Power and Agility Team is so excited to bring this class back!! we will be offering a 7 session 30 minute class to create stabilization safety prior to the club season starting. This class will decrease injury and decrease the need for ankle braces. As per normal our programming has been developed alongside a PTA to ensure the effectiveness and safety for all the athletes who participate. Stability focus will revolve around stability and safety in our landing and our explosive movements. This class will help decrease athletes from rolling their ankles when landing and while moving aggressively; creating strength in ankles, knees and hips in all planes of motion.


**This stability class is an excellent add on to our November Vert Clinic if you sign up for session 2 on either day.




Program Director & Head Trainer


Taylor has lived all over. She has lived in Kansas, Minnesota, Idaho and Utah. Taylor is married and has two little girls, who are three and six years’ old. Taylor loves being active, camping with her family, heavy lifting and SHOPPING. Taylor currently lives in Nibley and loves all that Cache Valley has to offer.


Taylor has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy with a double emphasis in Nutrition and Kinesiology. She played volleyball for 11 years and has coached at Mountain Peak for one year. Taylor is a certified personal trainer and is currently working towards her strength and conditioning coach certification.


“You never fail until you stop trying.”-- Albert Einstein



  • CNA

  • First Aid and CPR







Alisha was born in Salt Lake City but grew up in North Ogden. She is married and has four kids that keep her on her toes. Her love for fitness started young playing soccer and competing in track and field through high school. She ended up in Cache Valley to attend Utah State University. In college, she developed a love for CrossFit and weightlifting. The last eight years,


Alisha has worked with iFit as a background athlete and then at Mountain Peak Volleyball as a Power & Agility Trainer. She has loved working with the youth and helping them accomplish their fitness goals. Alisha has her Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition Science where the emphasis is placed on pre-health and sports nutrition. She used this knowledge to continue her education. Alisha is a Certified Personal Trainer, Performance Enhancement Specialist and Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.





  • First Aid & CP


Michael Tupola_AT2_1845.jpg

Private Training


Michael was born in Kahuku, Hawaii and later moved to the Island of Moloka’i where he grew up.  He has 3 siblings (2 brothers and a sister).  He is married to Tanza Tupola who is a current Mountain Peak Coach.  They met while attending Brigham Young University-Hawaii.


Michael completed his Bachelor’s degree at Brigham Young University-Hawaii in Exercise and Sports Science - Health and Wellness.  He later attended the University of Utah for his graduate program and received his master’s degree in Exercise Physiology - Coaching Wellness.  He is currently certified as a personal trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and is preparing to take the certified strength and conditioning specialist exam through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)


While at Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Michael worked as an assistant to the strength and conditioning coach.  In this capacity he was able to work with numerous teams from Women’s volleyball to Men’s and Women’s basketball.  Since moving to Logan, he has been involved in training Mountain Peak athletes.


 “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan


  • Bachelor's from BYU-H

  • Master's from U of U

  • ACSM Certification

  • NSCA Certification

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Nate is a dedicated personal trainer who is currently studying kinesiology. With a strong understanding of human movement, Nate creates safe and effective workouts tailored to each athlete’s needs. Passionate about the outdoors and volleyball, brining energy and enthusiasm to every training session. Whether in the gym, outside, or on the court, Nate aims to make fitness fun and help athletes achieve their goals.



  • First Aid & CPR


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I grew up in Colorado and moved to Cache Valley a little over a year ago. I got my undergraduate degrees in psychology and criminal justice and my masters in sport and exercise science with an emphasis on the social psychology of sport and physical activity.


I started lifting regularly when I was 16 and have been lifting for 12 years I ran track in college and competed in the heptathlon as well as the 400 and 400 hurdles. After college I entered the body building world and competed in a couple shows and now I’m going away from that and more into stability, speed and agility and would love to work with athletes in those departments!



  • CPR

  • First-Aid

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Annie has lived in Cache Valley for 4 years and loves it. She's a mother to 4 boys and loves the crazy that comes with it. She graduated from BYU-Idaho with her bachelors in Health Science with her emphasis in Public Health. She has been teaching group fitness for 8 years now and finds so much joy in working hard and sweating together as a group. While living in Denver she worked for VASA Fitness coaching participants through various personal workouts. Currently, she works for Nibley City and instructs group classes through Nibley Fit.



  • First Aid

  • CPR

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